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Alternative usage

As a commit-msg hook

You can use semv as a commit-msg hook to check commit messages before committing them to version control. This will only validate the commit format but not run additional checks. To run semv as a commit-msg hook, store the following in a file .git/hooks/commit-msg:


semv --commit-msg $1

and make the file executable by running

  $ chmod u+x .git/hooks/commit-msg

Next time you commit an invalid commit message, git should give you an error.

As an automatic changelog generator

If your commits have useful messages beyond the type/scope labelling, you may want to use them for generating a changelog. Because semv already parses commit messages, version v2.4.0 introduced a feature to automatically generate changelogs. To do so, run semv with the --changelog option. The commit will be formatted in Markdown and will start by listing breaking changes. After that changes are grouped by type (first types that imply a major release, them types that imply a minor release, and finally types that imply a patch release) and then by scope.

To make most out of the changelog feature, use the default types. Other types are supported, but the formatting is less nice. Keep in mind that commits are grouped by type and scope—this allows you to incrementally write the changelog with your commits. Keeping that in mind will also help you decide on the wording for your commit messages. For example, this changelog:

# New features
- changelog:
  - Internal commit representation of summary attributes
  - Add command for creating changelog with --changelog
  - Markdown formatting of changelog
  - Supports breaking changes (multiple per commit)
  - Group commits by scope
- commit-parsing: Include commit summary

Is much nicer than this changelog:

# New features
- General: Commit supports summary stuff
- command: Initial draft for changelog command
- parse: Include commit summary when parsing
- changelog:
  - Changelog properly formatted except breaking change comments
  - Support breaking changes
  - group commits by scope

In fact, they both refer to the same commit history.

Starting with v2.5.0, changelogs can be exported in two different formats: 1. pretty: This is what you get if you just use the --changelog option. You can also select it explicitly by setting --changelog=pretty. The examples above also use this format. 2. json: Can be selected by setting --changelog=json and will result in a json-formatted changelog.

Note: You can rewrite past commits using git rebase -i if you haven't pushed them to a remote yet or if you can force-push to the remote.